CHEERS | from the editor

Ole Blue Eyes

Frank Sinatra, the ultimate crooner who typified a certain era, will forever be inextricably linked with the song My Way.

What made me think of it were some of the lyrics: “And now, the end is near – and so I face the final curtain.” It’s virtually impossible not to hear those lines and not have the tune start running through your head immediately.

All of which serves as a prequel to the news that this issue, number 75, is CHEERS magazine’s swansong. This publication, produced by a well-liquored team from TOPS at SPAR and Integrated Media for the past decade or more, will no longer be hitting inboxes nationwide for now. Over the years the team has written about beers, wines of all hues and regions; spirits from Japan, India, Sweden, America and elsewhere; books, food, liquor personalities and a host of other interesting topics which have been liquor related or alcohol (and even non-alcohol) adjacent.

CHEERS has looked at advertising and its role in making liquor history – like the longest single tracking shot for the Johnnie Walker “Keep Walking” campaign. Our panels have tasted Tequila, vodka, world whiskies, craft beers and stouts and more gins than any sane person could shake a stick at – and we have enjoyed every minute! It has been a genuine pleasure putting words on the printed page – and for the past few years, virtually or digitally – for your appreciation and interest. We sincerely hope that, having paged along with us, you have learned a few interesting things which may or may not have entertained friends and family over the dinner table or around the braai fire.

To paraphrase “that” song, we lived a life that’s full, and travelled each and every (liquor) highway.

So a final glass is metaphorically raised as we say, CHEERS to you all for your interest over the years,

Fiona and the CHEERS team


    Group Advertising and Promotions Manager Liquor: Jess Nicholson

    Publisher: Shayne Dowling

    Editor: Fiona McDonald

    Art Director: Hayley Davis

    Advertising: Shayne Dowling

    PR and Promotions: Dee Griffin


    Contributors: Gareth George


    Tel: 021 685 0285

    Address: 9 Draper Square,14 Draper St, Claremont, 7708

    Postal Address: 9 Draper Square, 14 Draper St., Claremont, 7708

    Published by Integrated Media
    for TOPS at SPAR


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