Pick your pack

Fail to plan and you plan to fail, the maxim goes. So choose your compatriots well: from the detail-driven analyst to the documentarian, they all play an important part in the success of a fishing mission, as Rhuan Human elaborates.

It's the one calendar entry that keeps any fly addict awake at night with excitement; a fly fishing epic with the potential to go down as the greatest adventure in life! It starts with months of planning, hours poring over Google Maps, researching the arcane corners of the internet, and culminates in a weekend of festivities – with a bit of fishing thrown in the mix but a lifetime of memories to take home.

The difference between a good fishing trip and a legendary adventure depends wholly on the "wolfpack" you choose to run with. We all have our select group of fishing mates, but the ones who elevate a fishing expedition to the level of being truly epic are cast in a certain mold.

Without him, there probably won't be a trip. He's the guy who spends more time on Google Earth than Rassie Erasmus does on Twitter. He starts tracking weather patterns months ahead, and on the day of departure will hand out a travel kit that includes, a full trip itinerary with a time schedule, hand-drawn detailed maps of the water that will be fished, a blank catch logbook, and number 2 pencil.

A vital part of the team, “The Researcher” makes sure no unexpected, unpleasant surprises pop up.

The chances of him landing the biggest fish of the trip? Very good. He knows which flies work – and where, as well as which areas will be most productive. If he spends this much time planning a single trip you can bet his fishing skills have been refined and tailored with the same amount of effort.

The name says it all! No situation arises that he can't handle with a piece of technology. Gadget Boy has the latest and greatest tackle and apparel. His boots and waders look like they were designed by NASA and even though the lodge you are staying at is fully equipped, he brings along a complete pop-up dining set and compact kitchen – just to make sure. On the water, he looks like a walking, talking, cast and tackle trade show, and whatever you do, don't ask him about the fishing apps he has on his phone…

Heaven forbid you should forget something at home or even break a rod while on the trip – but never fear, "Gadget Boy" has your back.

The chances of him catching the biggest fish of the trip are slight, since he's usually preoccupied with his toys.

This dude was made for the outdoors. He’s in his element when outside in the wild. He doesn't own a pair of waders and wet wades in 9 degrees Celsius, gets by with a few of his favourite flies pinned to a faded John Deere trucker cap and a Swiss army knife hooked on to his belt. He loves to give “Gadget Boy” a hard time.

When things go wrong in the back of beyond, this is the guy you want by your side. Your group's very own Bear Grylls.

Probably has the best chance of hooking the big one, I mean, this is his backyard.

The life of the party! He’ll lose his sense of humour if there’s no space in the car for at least five cases of beer, so to avoid a very unpleasant situation ensure there is packing space for beer. He refuses to drive and usually rides shotgun because traditionally he cracks the first cold one as you leave the driveway and follows up with “Let the games begin boys” or words to that effect.

“Beer Can” will serve as entertainment for the week, armed with tons of outrageous stories and inappropriate jokes, there’s never a dull moment with him around.

He irritates the rest of the crew with the amount and quality of fish he tends to catch. With beer in one hand and a busted old fly rod in the other, don't be surprised if he pulls the big one.

Often you forget what his face looks like because it is constantly hidden behind a camera lens and or iPhone. He's got a thousand gigs worth of sunsets, emerging insects, and close-up shots of fly fishing rods clasped by some hand model and he can list every photography filter known to man but struggles to recall the name of the fly he just tied on.

The bonus is, your trip will be well documented with this fellow on tour and he has a knack for making 10 inches look like 20.

It's hard to operate a camera and fly rod at the same time so I wouldn't bet on the “Instagrammer” to nail the big one.